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Weird Things Narcissists Do Sexually

    Narcissists’ Manipulative Sexual Behavior

    Narcissists’ manipulative sexual behavior is a disturbing characteristic that they often exhibit in their relationships. While every individual’s sexual preferences and desires may vary, narcissists take it to a whole new level by employing manipulation as a means to satisfy their own needs and desires. This type of behavior can have serious consequences for their partners, who may find themselves feeling used and emotionally drained.

    One of the ways narcissists manipulate sexually is by using seduction as a tool to control and dominate their partners. They have a knack for identifying their partner’s vulnerabilities and using them to their advantage. By providing their partners with affection, attention, and intense sexual experiences, they create an emotional dependency that allows them to maintain control over the relationship.

    Another disturbing behavior exhibited by narcissists is the use of coercion and pressure to engage in sexual activities their partners may not be comfortable with. They may guilt trip or intimidate their partners into participating in acts that they are not comfortable with. This disregard for their partner’s boundaries and consent is a clear indication of their narcissistic tendencies.

    Bizarre sexual fantasies and fetishes are also common among narcissists. They often have a grandiose sense of self-importance, which extends to their sexual fantasies. They may demand their partners to act out scenarios that cater to their narcissistic desires and fantasies, often disregarding their partner’s comfort and consent.

    Additionally, narcissists tend to use sex as a way to assert power and control over their partners. They derive pleasure from the emotional and psychological dominance they exert over their sexual partners. This can manifest in demanding complete obedience, violating boundaries, and engaging in degrading or sadistic sexual behavior.

    It is important for individuals involved with narcissists to recognize and understand these manipulative sexual behaviors. Awareness is the first step towards protecting oneself from the emotional and psychological damage that can result from being in a relationship with a narcissist. Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can offer guidance and help in dealing with the complexities of such relationships.

    Bizarre Sexual Fantasies and Fetishes of Narcissists

    Narcissists, known for their grandiose sense of self and lack of empathy, often exhibit peculiar and unconventional sexual behaviors. These behaviors can venture into the realm of the weird and bizarre, leaving their partners stunned and confused. Understanding the strange sexual fantasies and fetishes of narcissists sheds light on their manipulative tactics and desire for power and control.

    One peculiar characteristic of narcissists’ sexual fantasies is their preference for exhibitionism and voyeurism. They derive immense pleasure from exposing themselves to others or watching their partners engage in sexual acts. This allows narcissists to feel a sense of dominance and superiority, further fueling their inflated ego. Whether it be through engaging in public sexual activities or encouraging their partners to do so, narcissists seek to demonstrate their sexual prowess and attract attention.

    Another odd aspect of narcissists’ sexual fantasies revolves around their obsession with objectification and dehumanization. They view their partners as mere objects, devoid of emotions or autonomy. This mindset fuels the narcissist’s desire to exert complete control over their partner’s body and pleasure. Engaging in BDSM practices, such as bondage, role-playing, or sadomasochism, enables them to satisfy their need for dominance and submission, blurring the lines between pain and pleasure.

    Narcissists also tend to fixate on their own gratification during sexual encounters, often prioritizing their pleasure above their partner’s. Their selfish nature leaves their partners feeling used and unfulfilled. Whether it be engaging in quick, selfish acts devoid of emotional connection or disregarding their partner’s desires and boundaries, narcissists prioritize their own satisfaction and ego boost above all else.

    Additionally, narcissists may engage in cruel and degrading sexual practices, designed to wield power and humiliate their partners. This can involve verbal abuse, name-calling, or even non-consensual acts. By inflicting emotional or physical pain, narcissists gain a sense of control and further reinforce their superiority.

    It is important to note that not all narcissists exhibit these unusual sexual behaviors, and not all individuals who engage in these behaviors are narcissists. However, the correlation between narcissism and these peculiar sexual fantasies and fetishes is worth recognizing.

    The weird sexual behaviors of narcissists shed light on their manipulative nature and desire for power and control. Exhibiting characteristics such as exhibitionism, objectification, selfishness, and cruelty, these behaviors can leave their partners feeling confused and violated. Understanding these patterns can aid in recognizing and protecting oneself from the harmful effects of narcissistic sexual behavior.

    Narcissistic Use of Sex as a Power Tool

    Narcissists often engage in manipulative behaviors when it comes to their sexual relationships. They see sex as another tool to assert their power and control over others. Their primary goal is to satisfy their own desires and feed their ego, rather than promote a healthy and mutually satisfying sexual experience.

    One of the ways narcissists use sex as a power tool is by withholding it. They may purposely deny their partner sexual intimacy as a way to gain control and manipulate their emotions. By doing so, they can keep their partner feeling insecure, vulnerable, and dependent on them for validation and affection.

    Another manipulative tactic narcissists employ is coercing their partners into engaging in sexual acts they are uncomfortable with. They may pressure or guilt-trip them into participating in activities that go against their boundaries or values. This boundary-violating behavior creates a power dynamic where the narcissist holds all the control, while their partner feels forced to comply.

    Furthermore, narcissists have a tendency to engage in sexual fantasies and fetishes that may be bizarre or unconventional. They seek out experiences that cater to their grandiose fantasies and provide them with a sense of superiority. These fantasies may involve acts of dominance, submission, or role-playing scenarios that emphasize their perceived superiority over their partner.

    Additionally, narcissists hyperfocus on their own pleasure during sexual encounters, often neglecting their partner’s needs and desires. They view their partner’s pleasure as secondary to their own and may disregard their boundaries or consent. This self-centered approach to sex further emphasizes their need for control and dominance.

    Some narcissists engage in cruel and degrading sexual practices. They may derive pleasure from inflicting emotional or physical pain on their partner, enjoying the sense of power it gives them. These practices can range from verbal degradation to physical aggression, leaving their partners feeling humiliated and emotionally scarred.

    Narcissists use sex as a power tool to manipulate and control their partners. They engage in manipulative behaviors such as withholding sex, coercing their partners, and indulging in bizarre fantasies. Narcissists prioritize their own pleasure over their partner’s, disregarding boundaries and consent. They may also engage in cruel and degrading acts, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain. It is important for individuals in relationships with narcissists to recognize and address these harmful behaviors to protect their well-being and establish healthy boundaries.

    The Narcissist’s Hyperfocus on Their Own Pleasure during Sex

    When it comes to sexual encounters, narcissists have a tendency to hyperfocus on their own pleasure and satisfaction, often neglecting the needs and desires of their partners. This self-centeredness extends beyond just the physical act itself, permeating the entire sexual experience. Their primary goal is to gratify their own desires while disregarding the feelings and wishes of their partner.

    One characteristic of a narcissist’s hyperfocus on their own pleasure is their lack of empathy. They are not concerned with whether their partner is enjoying the experience or if their needs are being met. Instead, they view sex as an opportunity to assert their dominance, control, and superiority over their partner. This lack of empathy can lead to a sense of detachment and emotional disconnection during sexual encounters.

    Moreover, narcissists often seek validation and validation of their sexual prowess. They crave admiration and praise, using sex as a means to boost their ego and reinforce their sense of self-importance. Their hyperfocus on their own pleasure is driven by a desire to prove their sexual prowess and superiority to their partners. They may exhibit a preoccupation with their performance, seeking constant validation and attention.

    In addition to their self-centeredness, narcissists may also engage in sexual behaviors that prioritize their own satisfaction at the expense of their partner’s well-being. They may disregard boundaries, engage in non-consensual activities, or coerce their partners into engaging in sexual acts that they are uncomfortable with. This lack of respect for boundaries and consent can lead to feelings of violation and emotional trauma for the partner.

    Narcissists may also use sex as a power tool, exploiting the vulnerability and intimacy of the act to exert control and manipulate their partner. They may engage in coercive behavior, blackmail, or manipulation to ensure that their desires are met, further emphasizing their self-centeredness and lack of regard for their partner’s well-being.

    Narcissists exhibit a hyperfocus on their own pleasure during sexual encounters. Their lack of empathy, self-centeredness, and need for validation drive their behavior, often leading to a neglect of their partner’s needs and desires. It is important for individuals in relationships with narcissists to recognize these behaviors and boundaries to protect their own well-being and emotional health.

    Cruel and Degrading Sexual Practices Engaged in by Narcissists


    When it comes to sexual behavior, narcissists can exhibit bizarre and even cruel tendencies. These individuals, who are characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy, often use sex as a means to assert control and dominance over their partners. In this article, we will explore some of the weird and degrading sexual practices narcissists may engage in, shedding light on the psychological dynamics at play.

    The Quest for Power and Control

    Narcissists view sex as a tool to feed their insatiable need for power and control. They may engage in degrading acts that humiliate their partners, deriving a sense of superiority and dominance from their actions. Such practices can range from verbal humiliation and name-calling to physical aggression and violence. By engaging in these demeaning behaviors, narcissists reinforce their belief in their own superiority and diminish their partners’ self-worth.

    Objectification of Partners

    Narcissists are notorious for objectifying their partners. They view others as mere extensions of themselves, devoid of individual desires or boundaries. This objectification extends into the realm of sexuality, where narcissists prioritize their own pleasure above all else. They may engage in sexual acts solely for their own gratification, disregarding their partner’s needs and desires. This self-centered approach can leave their partners feeling used and emotionally disconnected.

    Sex as a Means of Manipulation

    Narcissists are skilled manipulators, and they often use sex as a tool to control and manipulate their partners. They may withhold sex as a means of punishment or to elicit a desired behavior. Additionally, they may engage in sexual infidelity as a way to assert their dominance and assert their "superiority" over their partners. By controlling the sexual dynamics of the relationship, narcissists reinforce their hold over their partners and further establish their power.

    Boundary Violations and Consent Issues

    Narcissists have little regard for boundaries or consent, leading to an array of troubling sexual behaviors. They may pressure their partners into engaging in sexual acts they are uncomfortable with, completely disregarding their boundaries. In extreme cases, narcissists may coerce or force their partners into non-consensual sexual activities. These boundary violations can leave lasting emotional trauma, as victims are left feeling violated and powerless.

    The bizarre and degrading sexual practices of narcissists are an extension of their manipulative and self-centered nature. Engaging in dehumanizing acts, prioritizing their own pleasure, and using sex as a tool to control others are all hallmarks of their behavior. It is important for individuals who find themselves in relationships with narcissists to recognize these toxic patterns and prioritize their own well-being. Seeking professional help and support can aid in healing from the emotional damage caused by narcissistic sexual behavior.


    The sexual behavior of narcissists can be deeply disturbing and manipulative. They engage in bizarre sexual fantasies and fetishes that are often focused on their own pleasure and dominance. The narcissistic use of sex as a power tool allows them to exert control and manipulate their partners. This hyperfocus on their own pleasure during sex is a reflection of their grandiose sense of self-importance and lack of empathy for others.

    Narcissists are known to engage in cruel and degrading sexual practices that can leave their partners feeling violated and emotionally scarred. These practices often involve humiliation, objectification, and coercion. Narcissists view sex as a means to boost their ego and reinforce their grandiose self-image. They lack the ability to form healthy and loving connections and instead view their partners as mere objects to gratify their own needs.

    The manipulative sexual behavior of narcissists is a reflection of their deep-seated insecurities and need for validation. They seek to control and dominate their partners in order to feed their insatiable desire for admiration and worship. By manipulating their partners sexually, narcissists can reinforce their sense of power and superiority.

    The bizarre sexual fantasies and fetishes of narcissists further demonstrate their need for novelty and excitement. They often engage in risky and unconventional sexual practices in an attempt to satisfy their insatiable need for stimulation. These fantasies may involve exhibitionism, voyeurism, or sadomasochistic tendencies. The narcissist’s constant desire for new experiences reflects their fear of boredom and stagnation.

    It is important to recognize and protect oneself from the manipulative sexual behavior of narcissists. Educating oneself about the tactics and patterns of narcissistic abuse is crucial in order to establish healthy boundaries and protect one’s emotional well-being. Breaking free from the grip of a narcissistic partner may require seeking support from friends, family, or trained professionals who can provide guidance and assistance.

    The weird things narcissists do sexually are a manifestation of their deep-seated insecurities, lack of empathy, and need for control. Their manipulative behavior, bizarre fantasies, and degrading practices can cause immense harm to their partners. It is essential to prioritize one’s own well-being and seek help to break free from the toxic cycle of narcissistic abuse.